
FAQs: How Much Do You Charge?

Its the elephant in the room. I hear the apprehension, can visualize the thought bubbles as we exchange initial pleasantries over the phone:

The potential client asks:

“How much do you charge?” .  

Or from an agent I just met:

“What does Staging cost?”  How much do you charge?

These are fair and important questions. But when your work is improving active living spaces, or preparing occupied homes for sale, its rarely easy to answer quickly.

So many factors to consider…sight unseen, and circumstances unknown-the only possible immediate response is “I don’t know”.

Annoying and patently unsatisfying, so the questions persist…

“Is Staging expensive?”–asks the potential seller, nonchalantly, after the ice has broken. 

“Well, can you just give me a quick range?”–presses the agent while scrolling thru texts

“My house could use the help, but I don’t think I can afford it”–tentatively states the homeowner

Money is important, but its not the only thing. More often than not the biggest elephant in the room turns out to be fears about the cost. So some fun facts:

Pre-internet, consumers needed design pros for ideas and access to product. I started The Refreshed Home in 2007 as a design consultancy. I deliver specific solutions and prioritized recommendations for your consideration.

  • People hire me as they would an attorney: I represent you and your best interests for as long as you want me to.
  • My fee is not the same thing as costs you’d incur to close, move, or do work that’s needed/chosen
  • Pretty much everything is your choice

Never, ever hesitate to ask about money! But understand what you’re getting a price on!

 Find out more about how it works, and specifically on what we do.  Let’s talk about what you need, how you want it to happen, and what will it cost. And look how much more space you have now without that elephant!