
Decorating for the Stars: Happy Birthday, CAPRICORN!

Decorating for the Stars: Happy Birthday, CAPRICORN!

Even to the casual observer it’s always fun to see what the stars are supposed to say about you; in this series we look at what makes the birthday sign happy in their  home.   Those born between December 21 and January 20 are a robust bunch.  Represented by a goat, it’s a pretty apt characterization….and I mean that in a good way. Capricorn2

Capricorns are often quite accomplished in their chosen field,  but you’d probably only know that if you googled them, or someone else filled you in. 

Anything loud, obvious or flashy, PDAs, or other shows of emotion embarrass the typical goat.  Instead, they are low-key, and tend to stay in the background and observe (think Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Capricorns both). Focused, practical, and determined, but not in a teeth-gritting kind of way.  They just pace themselves, and get where they want to go.

Gifted with a solid and sturdy countenance, they are great to decorate with, or for-because you will always know where you stand with them.  They tolerate frustration better than most, and don’t let trivial things derail them. They keep their eyes on the prize, and are all about the long view, and getting the job done.

Capricorns are consistant in elements that make them happy, but don’t tend to a specific aesthetic preferences-let me explain:  Capricorns love books and history, revere wisdom, their elders, and family.  They’re thrilled you came up with the idea of bookcases, and would be fine if there was another decision maker who choose, say cherry vs. stainless steel, built-ins or free-standing.

Ditto for saving wall space for appropriate art (framed maps, local archives, or oil portraits of Great Uncle Clyde), or making sure the guest room was comfortable and well-appointed, when Nanna came to visit.

They also insist on a plan. Winging it will not cut it. Nor will short cuts, and ‘deals’ from the Big Box stores will generally not be worth the hassle for them.

If you live with or love- are decorating with, or for a Capricorn-here is what you really want to know: They need light, fresh air, outside spaces.  Without it, the sturdy, sober nature of the Goat can turn inward, becoming introverted, even pessimistic (Richard Nixon and Elvis were both Goats). 

Whatever space you have, make the most of the windows-including that they are clean. Highlight them, by framing them with stationary panels in a color that contrasts with the walls. Mirrors to reflect and add light, as well as adequate interior lighting is important.  Live plants, good; NASA-proven ones that filter the air-even better! Greenhouses, conservatories, or skylights are all excellent renovations/updates for these folks.  

If you have any outside space, make it as inviting, and as functional as possible. A firepot on the patio will encourage time under he stars, instead of in front of the TV; a pair of chairs and a small bistro table for coffee, and to read the morning paper. 

Consider a bike rack in the garage, adequate storage for sports gear or garden equipment. Probably not the sort of things you’d think about as  ‘decorating’,  but channeling Steve Jobs-good design isn’t how it looks, it’s how it works… this is what keeps Capricorns at their best.