
When Is The Right Time To Talk To A Stager? And Why??

When Is The Right Time To Call A Stager? And Why?

There’s an old joke that says the best time to get something in place (I think insurance) is before you need it. Same is true in my field, but HEY I bet you  probably saw that coming, right?

BUT- do you know why?  It might depend on your vantage  point…

a denuded room is not a staged roomSELLERS: 

  If you have decided to have a conversation with a professional Stager-please!-don’t equate it with tidying up before the cleaning service arrives.

General cleaning is fine, and if you are overrun with excess books, photos, or tschokes-ok to start packing…but don’t make major decisions like tossing upholstery or painting any rooms.  Let me see all of what I have to work with.  

Good Stagers deal with the reality of your situation, and they also work with what you have, as much as possible.  You might think  pre-consult purge will help you save face-or some money…it’s not illogical, but it’s not wise.

TALK TO ME NOW-because a denuded room is not a Staged room!


A good Home Stager is just like any other home professional you can refer to-you want to know them, and be comfortable in speaking how it fits into your business , and how it works  BEFORE you meet that potential client in the grocery line, doctor’s office or friend’s BBQ.the refreshed home helps Realtors succeed

Sellers watch TV, so do  buyers. EVERYONE has seen those shows. But not everyone gets how to talk with clients about Staging. 

YOU KNOW you are always on the cusp of being auditioned by someone, and yesofcourse everything is under the electron microscope.

In my experience, agents that can comfortably speak about how Staging works are a distinct minority.

TALK WITH ME NOW-let me give you a leg up on your competition!



My consults are complimentary. Your loved ones need to know others (that would be YOU)  think this is a good idea.  You can save them angst, even help them net a higher price on their house.

I am also 100% A-OK with any of the seller’s loved ones, or otherwise important/influential people being at the  inital meeting. This is a big decision, and if they respect you in that way, they are ultimately going to ask your opinion anyway-so go ahead, nudge! 

HAVE THEM TALK TO ME NOW-so there will be other things for you to talk about-besides how their house is not getting any offers!



A rising tide lifts all boats.  

Houses in your neighborhood that sell quickly, and sell well are good news for everyone else in that neighborhood. 

Go ahead. Nudge.

HAVE THEM TALK WITH ME NOWeven if you’re going to miss them terribly, you’ll thank me after the closing!!