
FAQs: Why Can`t You Just Give Me a Price?

FAQs: Why Can't You Just Give Me a Price?Welcome back to FAQs-where YES, I can just give you…ANSWERS!

“Why can’t you just give me a price?” seems like a simple enough question…reinforced by my recent experimentation with an online referral service. Well sure, if there was an accepted standard for a beautifully decorated home, or a successfully staged property. But success, and happiness is in the eye of the beholder>>> fluid at best, and THAT is where, and why  most people get stuck.

If Interior Decorating and Home Staging were a tangible product-like a gallon of milk, or a set of tires, it’d be easy to research, compare and price.

If Interior Decorating and Home Staging were a defined and finite service-like getting your hair cut, or hiring a sitter, you’d know when it was over, and how much it’d cost you.

But Interior Decorating and Home Staging are personal services consider all the clients circumstances before arriving at a solution.  At The Refreshed Home how it works for the individual is just as important as how it looks.  30+ years in this field, every day I see how experience matters, and kindness counts.

So-first and formost, hiring this Westchester County Interior Decorator is a committment to start a journey, and to find and trust this person to go through that with you.

Bringing this Westchester County Home Stager in for a consult starts an exploration process and reinforces your desire/need to sell a property and move on with your life.

“I don’t know” may be a sales pitch in some businesses, but it’s a fair answer when people I’ve never met ask me for a number on a space I’ve never seen.

But if you want real answers…if you yearn to make some changes in your space and by extension, your life, contact  The Refreshed Home today. Five minutes now will ease your mind, and answer more questions than you could ever imagine!