
What’s Wrong with This Picture? (NEW SERIES!)

photo courtesy of takomabibalot, via Flicka

If  ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’…a good listing photo is worth ten-trilion-zillion thousand words. Maybe more. REALLY.

Listing photos are the number one tool homeowners, buyers, and their agents have.  They work silently, and for free, 24/7….but whether they are working for you, or against you is totally up to you.

Welcome to my new interactive series where actual listing photos gone bad are shared, then pointed on the path to redemption. Some points will be obvious, others not so much; some rationale may even seem downright petty.  But the point of each will be there is something that is not serving the best interests of the property, the seller,  or the agent.

Diologue is encouraged!  The idea being that for the moment, we can each ‘see’ a room for the first time; by constructively sharing reactions, thoughts and questions, each of us learns. What bothers you, and why?  And what would you like to see differently?

This Westchester County Home Stager will weigh in shortly after, with the introduction of the next photo. And last, just to keep it a nice, and positive experience,  anyone who can claim a photo as their own will receive a free interactive consult, value up to $180.00.

Last week during a workshop at the Mamaroneck Public Libray, I ran this photo in my presentation and asked  ‘What’s Wrong with This Picture?’.  Nearly the entire room was engaged…see, much easier to see/say what you don’t like in someone elses’ space! I was surprised by the speed of their responses, and also the range of what they came up with.

So what do you think-what’s wrong with this picture?