
FAQs: Does Home Staging HAVE to Include Rental Furniture?

FAQs are the most fun posts to write:  simple questions, short answers with few qualifies. This FAQ is the shortest answer yet (NO!), so will  embellish it just a wee bit.



Whether your Westchester County property is vacant or occupied, Home Staging does NOT automatically include rental furniture.

But FAQs are not just about the answer, but for the critical thinking behind it, so let’s review what Home Staging is:

The Refreshed Home’s position is Home Staging is anything you can do to better the market position of a property, while easing the minds of both seller and agent. Bringing rental furniture into the Home Staging mix is fine, but it’s not the whole toolbox.

Bringing rental furniture into an empty or sparsely furnished space is usually an improvement, but it’s not a silver bullet. Have written before, Home Staging can encompass many things, but whatever you do, it’s got to be part of a big-picture strategy, a means to an end that considers

  • Who the buyer will be, and why they will buy this house
  • The local market: past (comps), at that moment, and trends
  • Sellers’ needs, goals, expectations and “resources”
  • Agents’ pricing and marketing plan

Some clients buy things they like, to take to the new house. And YES, “resources” could mean money…but it could just as easily be things you own or can borrow, neighbors/friends-or  their teenagers-who can help, or even just the time you yourself have to spend on this.

Furniture itself is one facet of a property’s presentation.  Right now in this market fairly priced, clean and pristine, move-in ready leads the way. In 2012 only 2 of my 24 sold properties rented furniture, 2013 has pretty much followed suit.

Bottom line, renting furniture is not always the answer….but having a conversation with an experienced and creative Home Stager who can help you choose your own best plan usually is!